Curious about Covey - What is the 8th Habit?
Several years ago a young man in my How to Discover Your Core Passion workshop, asked me if he was going to travel and was only able to take one book with him, what would it be?
Not an easy question for someone who loves reading as much as I do, who is always reading several books at a time (loving every one of them), and, yet, someone who has strong opinions and also wants to steer her students in the most helpful and rewarding direction.
Actually, it only took me a moment to answer. Why, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, of course. So, you can imagine how excited I was to hear just this week that Covey’s new book, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, has been published. And then, as these coincidences always happen (on purpose), Covey was quoted in the recent issue of the magazine Business 2.0 with its theme of How to Succeed in 2005.
Covey said, “The seven habits were effective, but effectiveness isn’t key anymore. You have to be effective just to enter the arena. The key is to move to greatness... The industrial age was about control, and the information age, or knowledge-worker age, is about release. And release means helping people find their voice, so they can do what they love doing and what they do well.”
I wanted the book right away! And today I found it (discounted, no less) at my favorite bookstore.
No, I haven’t read it yet, but have glanced through it. Knowing Covey, it won’t be easy reading, but it will be life-changing if we follow his lead. I hope I have encouraged you to pick up a copy, and I would love to hear from you with your feedback about the ideas proposed in this treasure of a book.
After all, Tom Peters wrote, “May millions upon millions the world over read, share, and be moved to firmly grasp the reins of their lives as a result!” How about you? I'm planning to!