Friday, March 11, 2005

Follow-Up to Curious about Creatives? Meet Hugh Macleod

Way back on November 20, 2004, I wrote my second blog ever about Hugh Macleod - the man who draws cartoons on the backs of business cards and writes about creativity. Or should I say, “blogs” not "writes?"

Well, his name popped up again in a technology e-newsletter I receive. So, I re-visited his blog beginning here where he shares his 30 rules and tips for creativity.

The rule (or tip) that stands out for me, summing up my feelings so perfectly is:

16. The world is changing. Some people are hip to it, others are not. If you want to be able to afford groceries in 5 years, I'd recommend listening closely to the former and avoiding the latter. Just my two cents…

The old ways are dead. And you need people around you who concur…

That means hanging out more with the creative people, the freaks, the real visionaries, than you're already doing. Thinking more about what their needs are, and responding accordingly. It doesn't matter what industry we're talking about- architecture, advertising, petrochemicals- they're around, they're easy enough to find if you make the effort, if you've got something worthwhile to offer in return. Avoid the dullards; avoid the folk who play it safe. They can't help you any more. Their stability model no longer offers that much stability. They are extinct, they are extinction.”

Wow! Hugh. It’s almost as if he were speaking about me and my changing attitude as we entered 2005.

I wouldn’t be quite as critical as Hugh and call the people I was hanging out with “dullards” but they sure were those who “play it safe.” In some of the groups to which I belonged, I heard, “We tried that before - only six years ago - and it didn’t work.” Or “We’ve always done it that way.” I knew it was time to join a new and different group.

It isn’t always easy to find the creative people and the real visionaries, but as Hugh points out if one makes the effort, they are around. And being the original volunteer, I have been welcomed into a new and fun group of exciting people that appear to be risk takers.

The other good part of this whole journey was being pointed back to this free-thinking artist’s blog (disclaimer: I am enthralled by his ideas and approach, but not keen about some of his favorite words, so if you are easily shocked, don’t visit his blog).

Otherwise, you can find the full discussion of rule #16 here, a fascinating blog by Hugh called, "The Corporate 'Tipping Point'" here, and the main page of his blog at And reading the comments are as much fun and as interesting as Hugh’s blogs are.

And speaking of comments, I would love to read some of yours. Fire away!